If effectively agreed, the following provisions will be the content of the contract between you - hereinafter referred to as "the participant" - and Renger Racing GmbH & Co. KG - hereinafter referred to as "Renger Racing" - in the event of a booking. The term "event" hereinafter refers to all guided trips (touring events), safety courses, driver safety training, track days, winter driving events and other courses and events that Renger Racing conducts for participants who have registered for the advertised events. Please read these conditions of participation carefully before booking.
1. Conclusion of the contract, contractual basis, reservations 1.1. With the booking (registration), which can only be made with the booking form submitted by Renger Racing, the participant offers Renger Racing a binding conclusion of the contract for participation in the event.
1.2. The basis of this offer is the announcement of the events by Renger Racing, these conditions of participation / terms and conditions as well as the legal regulations. When booking events that have the use of vehicles provided as an object of performance, there is basically no entitlement to a specific vehicle or a specific vehicle category. All vehicle models mentioned in the event advertisement serve as examples and do not necessarily correspond to the vehicles actually used at the event.
1.3. Local brochures, hotel brochures and brochures of other service providers that are not published by Renger Racing are not binding for Renger Racing and its obligation to perform, unless they have been made the subject of the tender or the content of Renger Racing's obligation to perform by express agreement with the participant.
1.4. The booking form can be sent to Renger Racing by fax, post or email. Oral and telephone bookings or bookings by electronic means (e-mail without using the registration form, internet) are not possible.
1.5. The participant is responsible for all contractual obligations of other participants for whom he makes the booking as for his own, provided that he has accepted this obligation through an express and separate declaration to Renger Racing.
1.6. The contract is concluded upon receipt of the written declaration of acceptance (confirmation of participation) from Renger Racing. When or immediately after the conclusion of the contract, Renger Racing will send the participant a travel price guarantee certificate in addition to the confirmation of participation. The number of participants is limited and the contingents are allocated according to the “first come, first serve” principle. Renger Racing will inform you immediately when the quota has been reached and a registration can therefore no longer be considered.
1.7. A prerequisite for the implementation of the event is that the minimum number of participants specified in the travel advertisement is reached. If the minimum number of participants is not reached, Renger Racing reserves the right to cancel the event. The latest deadline for such a cancellation is 7 days before the start of the event. In these cases, all registered participants will be informed immediately of the cancellation and will receive their payments back.
1.8. If the content of Renger Racing's declaration of acceptance deviates from the content of the booking, Renger Racing has made a new offer to which Renger is bound for a period of ten days. The contract is concluded on the basis of this new offer if the participant declares acceptance to Renger Racing within the commitment period.
2. Contracts with entrepreneurs 2.1. If the contract for participation in the event is not concluded with the participant (s) but with a commercial client, this contract partner of Renger Racing is the only party liable to pay. This also applies to the reimbursement of expenses and the costs according to Section 3.7. especially cancellation costs.
2.2. In these cases, the participants have the position of an authorized person according to the principles of the contract in favor of third parties. In these cases, the commercial client has the right to book and cancel the event for the participant.
2.3. Invoices, including those to entrepreneurs within the meaning of Section 14 of the German Civil Code, do not include a sales tax certificate, unless the entrepreneur as the recipient of the services expressly requests a separate sales tax certificate.
3. Terms of payment 3.1. Payments on the entire travel price before the end of the trip may only be made against delivery of the security certificate within the meaning of § 651 k, paragraph 3 of the German Civil Code. For all events, down payments or payments are generally collected before the complete service provision or the end of the event, provided that a travel price guarantee has been issued and it is foreseeable, if it does not have to be certain, that the event will take place. When registering, a deposit of 20% of the participation price is due, which is to be paid after receipt of the invoice. The remaining amount of the participation fee must be paid in good time, stating the invoice number, so that Renger receives it 30 days before the start of the event. Payments can be made by bank transfer to the specified bank account. For events that are booked 30 days before the start of the event or later, Renger Racing is entitled, according to the above regulations, to demand the entire participation price immediately.
3.2. Failure to make payment has no effect on the validity of the travel contract. Insofar as Renger Racing is ready and able to provide the service, there is no entitlement to the travel service without full payment of the travel price. This does not apply to the participant's statutory or contractual rights of retention.
3.3. The payment has exclusively to be in Euro.
3.4. Payments from abroad must be made free of charge and expense for Renger Racing.
3.5. In the event of events, billing is usually based on margin taxation in accordance with § 25 UStG. This means that the sales tax is not shown separately in the statement. The travel price shown is therefore a gross amount. Renger Racing points out that in this case an input tax deduction is not possible due to the margin taxation.
3.6. The participant or payer is in default without a reminder if he does not pay within 14 days of the due date and receipt of the invoice or equivalent payment schedule. This only applies to consumers if they were specifically referred to in the invoice or payment schedule.
3.7. For costs not included in the contractual scope of services for additional and ancillary services, in particular local transfers, additional overnight stays for the participant, overnight stays for accompanying persons, consumption of food and drinks, telegraphic or telephone reservations or inquiries and other costs, the following applies:
3.8. If the payment is not received by Renger Racing on time and in full and if the payment is not made within a period set by a reminder, Renger Racing can withdraw from the contract and the payments made under item 7.3. (Cancellation costs) claim the cancellation fees mentioned if Renger Racing was willing and able to hold the event and the minimum number of participants would have been reached.
3.9. In the case of events that use the vehicles provided as a subject of performance, there is liability and fully comprehensive insurance cover for the vehicles made available for use with a deductible of EUR 5,000.00 per claim. The deductible is to be paid proportionally as a deposit of 3,000.00 EUR either by bank transfer no later than 30 days before the event or at the start of the event by credit card payment to the organizer. The deposit will be refunded after the end of the event, minus any additional fees.
a) Renger Racing will pay such costs to the service providers as agreed, without there being any legal claim to them.
b) Renger Racing will invoice these costs by way of a claim for reimbursement of expenses after the end of the event as part of the total bill.
c) Renger Racing is not obliged to check the invoices of the respective service provider according to the reason and amount of the claim.
d) The participant cannot raise any objections from his contractual relationship with the service provider to Renger Racing's claim for reimbursement of expenses, in particular no warranty or damage claims or objections to the reason and amount of the claim. In this regard, there is no right of set-off or retention against the claim for reimbursement of expenses and the other payment claims by Renger Racing.
4. Type of events, requirements for participation 4.1. The type of event corresponds to the description that was sent to the participant before signing the registration. The events with a driving part on a designated race track correspond to a safety course / driver safety training on an area closed to normal individual traffic during the event. This does not apply to touring events that take place on public, unblocked traffic routes.
4.2. The events serve to improve driving skills and not to achieve maximum speeds. Participation in all events requires the completion of the 18th year of life. Notwithstanding this, drivers participating in a touring event who use the vehicles provided as a subject of performance must be at least 21 years of age at the beginning of the event and have had a driving license for the event vehicle that is valid in the country of the event for at least one year Be driving license class. A racing license does not exempt from the aforementioned requirements. The participant is obliged to inspect his driving license before the start of the event. He also assures that he will not be banned from driving during the event.
4.3. Participation as an accompanying person requires the age of 16 at all events. Furthermore, the same conditions apply for accompanying persons as for the other participants, unless otherwise specified. Accompanying persons are prohibited from driving any vehicles themselves.
4.4. Pets are not permitted.
4.5. The goals of the events are
e) improving driving skills
f) Safe control of your own vehicle (interaction between people - car - road)
g) Promotion of security awareness
h) Expansion of technical knowledge
5. Transport services from / to the event location, changes in services 5.1. None of the services provided by Renger Racing's events include any transport services from the customer's place of residence or business or from any other location of the customer to the event location and back.
5.2. Renger Racing does not act as a travel agent with regard to the transport services described in Section 5.1.
5.3. Changes to contractual services of the agreed content of the contract, which become necessary after the conclusion of the contract and were not brought about by Renger Racing in good faith, are only permitted insofar as the changes are not significant and do not affect the overall design of the event.
5.4. Any warranty claims remain unaffected if the changed services are defective.
5.5. Renger Racing is obliged to inform the participant about significant changes in performance immediately after becoming aware of the reason for the change.
5.6. In the event of a significant change to an essential contractual service after the conclusion of the contract, the participant is entitled to withdraw from the contract free of charge or to request participation in an event of at least equivalent value if Renger Racing is able to offer such participation from its offer at no extra charge for the participant . The participant must assert these rights to Renger Racing immediately after Renger Racing has given a declaration of the change in the contractual service or the cancellation of the event.
6. Price increase 6.1. If the transport costs existing when the contract was concluded, in particular the fuel costs, increase, Renger Racing can increase the participation price according to the following calculation:
6.2. If the levies existing at the time the contract is concluded, such as port or airport fees, are increased towards Renger Racing, the participation price can be increased by the corresponding proportionate amount.
6.3. If the exchange rate changes after the conclusion of the contract, the participation price can be increased proportionally to the extent that this has made the event more expensive for Renger.
6.4. An increase in the participation price is only permitted if there are more than 4 months between the conclusion of the contract and the agreed event date and the circumstances leading to the increase did not occur before the contract was concluded and were not foreseeable for Renger Racing when the contract was concluded.
6.5. In the event of a subsequent change in the participation price, Renger Racing must inform the participant immediately after becoming aware of the reason for the change. In any case, price increases are only to be received by the participant up to the 21st day before the start of the event, taking into account Section 6.4. permissible. In the event of price increases of more than 5%, the participant is entitled to withdraw from the contract without fees or to request participation in an event of at least equivalent value, if Renger Racing is able to offer such an event from its offer at no additional cost to the participant. The participant must assert the aforementioned rights immediately after Renger Racing has notified Renger Racing about the price increase.
Renger Racing reserves the right to change the price agreed in the contract in the event of an increase in transport costs or charges for certain services such as port or airport charges or a change in the exchange rates applicable to the event in question as follows.
i) In the case of an increase related to the seat, Renger Racing can demand the increase amount from the participant.
j) Otherwise, the additional transport costs required by the transport company for each means of transport are based on the number of seats of the agreed upon
k) shared means of transport. Renger Racing can demand the resulting increase for the single seat from the participant.
7. Withdrawal by the participant before the start of the event / cancellation costs 7.1. The participant can withdraw from the contract for participation in the event at any time before the start of the event. The withdrawal must be declared to Renger Racing or their agency commissioned with the processing at the address given in these terms and conditions. It is recommended that the participant declare their withdrawal in writing and in a verifiable form (registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt, fax with delivery report). The receipt of the declaration of withdrawal by Renger is decisive.
7.2. If the participant withdraws before the start of the event or if he does not start the event, Renger Racing loses the right to the participation price. Instead, if Renger Racing is not responsible for the withdrawal or if there is a case of force majeure, Renger Racing can demand appropriate compensation for the arrangements made up to the withdrawal and their expenses depending on the respective participation price.
7.3. Renger Racing has staggered this claim for compensation in time, i.e. taking into account the proximity of the time of withdrawal to the contractually agreed start of the event in a percentage ratio to the participation price and when calculating the compensation taken into account usually saved expenses and usually possible other uses of the contractual services. The compensation will be calculated as follows after the participant's declaration of withdrawal is received:
180 days to 54 days before the start of the event 5%
From the 53rd day to 41 days before the start of the event 25%
From the 40th day to 26 days before the start of the event 50%
From the 25th day to 8 days before the start of the event 85%
Within the last 7 days before the start of the event or in the event of no-show 95%
The following cancellation conditions apply to Renger Racing Winter Sporting in Sweden 2021:
Up to 35 days before the start of the event (= January 15, 2021) 0%
From January 16, 2021 up to 14 days before arrival of the booked event 50%
Less than 14 days to 7 days before arrival of the booked event 75%
From 7 days before arrival of the booked event 90%
7.4. The participant is allowed to prove to Renger Racing that he actually incurred no or lower costs than the claimed flat rate. In this case, the customer is only obliged to pay the costs actually incurred.
7.5. Renger Racing reserves the right to demand higher, specific compensation instead of the above flat rates, provided that Renger Racing can prove that it incurred significantly higher expenses than the applicable flat rate. If Renger Racing asserts such a claim, Renger Racing is obliged to specifically quantify and substantiate the required compensation, taking into account any saved expenses and any other use of the travel services.
7.6. Instead of withdrawing from the contract, the participant is free to demand that a third party take over the rights and obligations under the contract instead of him. Renger Racing can object to the entry of the third party if this does not meet the special requirements of the event or the event or if its participation contradicts legal regulations or official orders. If a third party enters into the contract, he and the original participant are jointly and severally liable for the agreed total price and the additional costs incurred by the entry of the third party. If possible, Renger will inform the previous and new participant of these additional costs prior to entry.
7.7. Bad weather on the day of the event usually does not result in a cancellation or postponement of a guided tour, driver safety training or track days. Such a cancellation or postponement will only take place if the implementation of the event involves disproportionate dangers to life or limb or the risk of considerable damage to property for the vehicles used. Those portions of the paid participant price that are attributable to expenses already incurred cannot be reclaimed by the participant.
8. Rebooking
8.1. After the conclusion of the contract, the participant is not entitled to changes with regard to the date of the event, the venue, the accommodation or other services and performance data (rebooking). If a rebooking is possible, this can be done free of charge at the request of the participant in consultation with Renger Racing.
8.2. Requests for rebooking by the participant that are made later can only be carried out, provided that they can be carried out at all, after withdrawing from the contract in accordance with Section 7, under the conditions specified there and simultaneously re-registering. This does not apply to requests for rebooking that only cause minor costs.
9. Unused service
If the participant does not make use of individual contractual services that were properly offered to him for reasons that are attributable to him (e.g. due to premature termination of participation, earlier return trip or for other compelling reasons, in each case not by Renger Racing), he is not responsible Entitlement to a proportional reimbursement of the participation fee. Renger Racing will endeavor to obtain reimbursement of the saved expenses by the service providers. This obligation does not apply if the services are completely insignificant or if a reimbursement is contrary to legal or official provisions.
10. Termination for behavioral reasons
10.1. Renger Racing can exclude participants from individual parts of the event with vehicle use if they do not follow the instructions of the instructors or personnel deployed and authorized by Renger Racing or in any other way endanger themselves or third parties and the exclusion is necessary and proportionate in relation to danger prevention. In these cases, the participation costs will not be reimbursed.
10.2. Renger Racing can terminate the contract without notice if the participant disturbs persistently despite a warning from Renger Racing or if he behaves contrary to the contract to such an extent that the immediate cancellation of the contract is justified. This applies in particular to the culpable breach of the special obligations according to item 13 of these conditions. If Renger Racing cancels, Renger Racing retains the right to the participation price; However, Renger Racing must offset the value of the saved expenses as well as those advantages that it gains from using the unused service for other purposes, including the amounts paid for by the service providers.
11. General obligations of the participant
11.1. Arrivals and departures are to be organized by the participants themselves and paid for financially, unless Renger Racing takes on this contractually.
11.2. The recipient of the event documents is obliged to check the documents received for the correctness of the exhibition (name, address, event dates, travel destination) and for completeness and to report errors to Renger Racing immediately.
11.3. The participant is obliged to notify the local Renger Racing representative immediately of any defects and disruptions in the contractual services and to request remedial action.
11.4. The participant will be informed about the person, the availability and the communication data of the local representatives of Renger Racing at the latest when the event data is sent.
11.5. If, according to the contractual agreements, support by a local representative is not owed either as a whole or for certain parts of the event, the participant is obliged to notify Renger Racing immediately of any defects at the address given below.
11.6. The participant's claims do not apply if the participant's complaint remains through no fault of their own.
11.7. Local representatives, agencies and employees of service providers are not authorized and not authorized by Renger Racing to confirm defects or to assert claims against Renger Racing.
11.8. If the event is significantly impaired as a result of a defect, the participant can terminate the contract. The same applies if the event cannot be expected from him for good cause due to such a defect. The termination is only permissible if Renger Racing or, if available and contractually agreed as a contact person, its agent has allowed a reasonable period set by the participant to elapse without taking remedial action. It is not necessary to set a deadline if the remedy is impossible or is refused by Renger Racing or its representative or if the immediate termination of the contract is justified by a special interest of the participant.
12. Special obligations of the participant
12.1. Participation in all events requires the completion of the 18th year of life. Notwithstanding this, drivers participating in a touring event who use the vehicles provided as a subject of performance must be at least 21 years of age at the beginning of the event and have had a driving license for the event vehicle that is valid in the country of the event for at least one year Be a driving license class. A racing license does not exempt from the aforementioned requirements. Participants who do not have an EU driving license or a Swiss driving license have to prove their driving license with their national driving license and an international driving license or their national driving license and an official translation (German or English). During the event, the participant is not allowed to exercise a driving ban in the Federal Republic of Germany or the country of the event. The participant is obliged to inspect his driving license before the start of the event.
12.2. Only the respective participant or booked additional drivers or booked accompanying persons are entitled to participate in existing events with vehicle use.
12.3. It is the responsibility of the participant to check his driving skills and health condition before concluding the contract and before participating in the event components with vehicle control. Unless this is expressly advertised as a contractual service, Renger Racing is not obliged to undergo a medical examination of the participant with regard to his general fitness to drive.
12.4. If the event provides for participation with their own vehicle, the participant is obliged, irrespective of statutory inspection, demonstration and acceptance regulations (e.g. TÜV deadlines), to check that his vehicle is in perfect technical function and safety before it is used in the context of the event Check costs. Renger Racing or their local representatives can request proof of such an inspection in the event of justified signs of technical defects, in particular in the case of deficiencies in driving safety, and, in the absence of evidence, an exclusion or termination according to 11.1. and 11.2. explain these conditions.
12.5. The following applies to all driving events:
a. It is mandatory to wear seat belts at all times while driving.
b. The request to wear suitable clothing and footwear for the event must be obeyed.
c. The instructions of the instructors must be followed.
d. On the day of the driving event, there is an absolute ban on alcohol (0.0 per mil) and drugs as well as the ban on other intoxicating substances or drugs that impair or may impair the ability to drive.
e. The use of mobile phones and smoking while driving is also strictly prohibited.
f. Violations of these obligations can lead to the termination of the contract in accordance with Section 11 of these Conditions of Participation.
12.6. The events require that the participant correctly assesses his driving ability himself and informs the instructor in good time in the event of uncertainties or ambiguities.
12.7. At events or when driving on sections of the route without the presence of an instructor, it is the responsibility of the participant to follow the traffic regulations of the respective country in any case. Liability as a result of accidents, damage or penalties due to non-compliance are fully borne by the participant.
12.8. The participant is obliged to follow the relevant traffic regulations during touring events that take place on public roads - in particular the speed limits. Any penalties or warnings are fully borne by the participant.
12.9. At events where the vehicles are provided by Renger Racing, the participants have the opportunity to drive different vehicles during the course of the event. There is no entitlement to a specific vehicle (make, model). The participant undertakes to treat the vehicle with care. The participant must immediately report accidents and damage to the vehicle to the instructors or authorized personnel employed by Renger Racing. Passing the vehicle on to third parties is prohibited. The vehicle may only be driven on the specified routes. Unauthorized deviations, route extensions, etc. are prohibited. In which cases Renger Racing vehicles are provided is regulated in the respective description of the event.
12.10. For the use of a vehicle provided by Renger Racing, a separate vehicle usage contract with the applicable provisions must be concluded in any case.
13. Insurance and recourse
13.1. Participation in the driving safety training courses listed below is at your own risk (LIABILITY DISCLAIMER): Race track training
Winter driving training
Track Day
Drift training
Touring events (guided trips on public roads)
13.2. Before the start of the event, every customer receives the entire text of the waiver of liability for their knowledge and signature.
13.3. Damage caused during an event in the area (on guard rails, green areas, etc.) for which the customer is responsible must be borne by the customer and must be reported to the responsible trainer immediately, but no later than the same day after the end of the training.
13.4. The rules of the StVO and StVZO apply on the entire site (if the event location is a race track).
13.5. For their own safety, Renger Racing strongly recommends that participants and accompanying persons take out suitable insurance to cover damage and loss of luggage, illness (international travel health insurance), accidents, third party liability claims and cancellation costs. These are not included in the services of Renger Racing. If the participant withdraws before the start of the event, cancellation costs will be incurred. In the event of cancellation, additional return travel costs and additional costs may arise.
13.6. Renger Racing also recommends the participant to clarify directly with their own vehicle insurance when using their own vehicle during the event whether the insurance cover from this vehicle insurance (liability and, if applicable, comprehensive and passenger insurance) also applies to the respective event . Renger Racing does not have any separate vehicle insurance coverage for the participant and his vehicle. Rather, the participant has to take care of this insurance cover himself. As a prerequisite for participation in the event, Renger Racing can require the participant to provide evidence of appropriate insurance.
13.7. Any (more extensive) recourse by the insurer, in particular in the case of grossly negligent behavior, failure to follow the instructions of the instructors or project managers, failure to comply with the statutory provisions or the prescribed speeds, remains unaffected. Renger Racing also reserves the right, in the event of culpable action on the part of the participant, to take recourse against the participant for damage that has not been reimbursed by Renger's comprehensive insurance, insofar as and in the amount of the damage is legally reimbursable. Renger Racing also reserves the right to bill the participant for the costs incurred by Renger Racing for processing the damage case in the event of culpable behavior.
14. Limitation of Liability
14.1. For travel events in which Renger Racing is obliged to provide the participant with a total of travel services within the meaning of Section 651 a BGB, the following restrictions apply:
a. Renger Racing's liability for breaches of contractual obligations as well as for tort is limited to intent and gross negligence. This does not apply to injuries to life, limb and health of the participant as well as claims due to breach of cardinal obligations, ie of obligations that result from the nature of the contract and whose breach jeopardizes the achievement of the purpose of the contract. In this respect, Renger is liable for every degree of fault.
b. As far as Renger Racing is liable for other damages due to the travel contract, the liability is limited to three times the travel price. This limitation of liability also applies if the occurrence of the damage was caused by the fault of a service provider.
c. Renger Racing's liability is excluded or limited as a whole, insofar as its liability is also excluded or limited due to international agreements or statutory provisions based on such, which are applicable to the services to be provided by a service provider.
d. For all claims for damages from tort that are not based on intent or gross negligence, Renger Racing is liable for property damage up to EUR 4,100.00 per traveler and trip or up to three times the travel price if this exceeds EUR 4,100.00.
e. Insofar as liability for damage that is not based on injury to life, body or health of the traveler for slight negligence is not excluded, such claims shall become statute-barred within one year starting with the creation of the claim.
14.2. Renger Racing is not liable for service disruptions, personal injury or property damage in connection with services that are only mediated as third-party services (e.g. excursions, sports events, visits to the theater, exhibitions, transport services to and from the advertised starting and destination locations) if these services are included in the The tender and the booking confirmation are expressly marked as external services so clearly that they are not recognizable to the participant as part of the contractual services of Renger Racing. However, Renger Racing is liable for contractually agreed services which include the transport of the participant during the event if and to the extent that, in the case of external services, damage to the participant was caused by the breach of notification, clarification or organizational obligations by Renger Racing.
15. Exclusion of claims and statute of limitations
15.1. Claims of the participant according to §§ 651 c - 651 f BGB against Renger Racing expire after two years. The statute of limitations begins on the day on which the trip should end according to the contract. If negotiations are pending between the participant and Renger Racing about the claim or the circumstances giving rise to the claim, the statute of limitations is suspended until the participant or Renger Racing refuses to continue the negotiations.
15.2. Travel contractual warranty claims are to be asserted against Renger Racing at the address of Renger Racing within one month after the contractually stipulated end of the journey. After this one-month period has expired, the participant can only assert claims if he was prevented from complying with the period through no fault of his own or if the claims are tortious.
15.3. After the deadline, the participant can only assert claims if he was prevented from observing the deadline through no fault of his own.
15.4. Insofar as liability for damage that is not based on injury to life, body or health of the participant is not excluded for slight negligence, such claims shall become statute-barred within one year starting with the start of the statutory limitation period.
16. Passport, visa and health regulations
16.1. The participant is obliged to find out about the provisions of passport, visa and health regulations in the respective countries in which the event is being held before concluding the contract and about any changes to them before the start of the event.
16.2. The participant is responsible for obtaining and carrying the necessary documents, any necessary vaccinations and compliance with customs and foreign exchange regulations. Disadvantages that arise from non-compliance with these regulations, e.g. the payment of cancellation costs, are at the expense of the participant. This does not apply if Renger culpably failed to provide information, inadequately or incorrectly.
16.3. Renger Racing is not liable for the timely issuance and access of the necessary visas by the respective diplomatic representation if the participant has commissioned him with the procurement, unless Renger Racing has culpably violated its own obligations.
17. Photo-video recordings / contact
17.1. The use of drones and action camera systems (e.g. GoPro) during the events is strictly prohibited.
17.2. Photo-video recordings made during the event may only be used for private purposes. Commercial use of the photo / video recordings is prohibited. This applies in particular to commercial publication in social networks and media platforms (blogs, vlogs, YouTube, etc.) unless the publication has been agreed in advance in writing with Renger Racing
17.3. The participant agrees that photos and videos will be taken of him during the event. He transfers the unrestricted user rights for the image and video material to Renger Racing and expressly agrees to the publication of the photos and videos on the Renger Racing website, the Renger Racing social media channels and any printed matter. The consent can be revoked at any time without giving reasons.
17.4. The participant agrees that Renger Racing may contact him using the data he has provided (telephone number, email address) for the purpose of transmitting other event offers or for advertising purposes. The participant consents to this data being stored by Renger Racing for market research and advertising purposes. You have read and accepted the data protection regulations. You are aware that you can revoke your consent at any time without giving reasons for the future.
18. Choice of law and place of jurisdiction
18.1. German law applies exclusively to the contractual relationship between the participant and Renger. This also applies to the entire legal relationship.
18.2. Insofar as German law is fundamentally not applied to Renger's liability in the case of legal actions brought by the participant against Renger abroad, German law shall apply exclusively with regard to the legal consequences, in particular with regard to the type, scope and amount of the participant's claims.
18.3. If the participant / contractual partner is a merchant, Renger's place of business is the place of jurisdiction; However, Renger is also entitled to sue the participant at his local court.
18.4. The above provisions on the choice of law and the place of jurisdiction do not apply, a. if and to the extent that contractually indispensable provisions of international agreements that apply to the contract between the participant and Renger result in something else in favor of the participant or
b. if and insofar as applicable, non-mandatory provisions in the member state of the EU to which the participant belongs are more favorable for the participant than the following provisions or the corresponding German regulations.
19. Data protection
The collection and processing of all personal data takes place in accordance with the German legal data protection regulations. Only such personal data is collected that is necessary to handle the event. All Renger Racing employees and partners are bound to secrecy regarding data secrecy. Data is only transmitted to government agencies or authorities within the framework of valid legal provisions. The participant agrees to this. We refer to our data protection declaration at www.renger-racing.de/datenschutz.
If you are a taxpayer within the meaning of Section 37b of the Income Tax Act and receive our services in order to carry out a benefit within the meaning of Section 37b (1) sentence 1 of the Income Tax Act, or if you are taxable in Germany and have received a benefit within the meaning of this provision, check You have the option of flat-rate taxation in accordance with Section 37b of the Income Tax Act. Otherwise, the monetary benefit from this donation is to be taxed individually.
The organizer, contractual partner of the participant and, insofar as Renger is referred to as the addressee above, is:
Renger Racing GmbH & Co. KG
At the Landhege 27
D-91541 Rothenburg Tbr.